27 September 2016



                                              SUSHMA JI AT THE UN                                                27.9.16


Everybody waited with abated breath. After the disappointment at the lukewarm response of Modi at Kozhikode to the attack in Uri there was a lot of expectation that Sushma Swaraj would certainly nail Pakistan. However it turned out to be a rather motherly act chiding a child for its stupid acts.

The speech first outlined the familiar scourge of terrorism. How it works against humanity and is a curse. A fact which already people know. Nothing new in it. Then Sushma Ji disclosed how terrorists are financed and armed by nations. How certain nations allow terrorists to roam about freely and spread hatred. So far so good. Then it goes on to advise that nations should unite and fight this menace of terrorism. What I want to ask is how all this homilies going to help India to defeat terrorism from across the border. If Sushma and Modi think that giving calls to other nations to come forward and help India in its fight is going to work then they are living in delusion. Nobody helps unless you show your strength. Being docile and advertising ones helplessness make you a laughing stock before the world. This is what we are precisely doing. The speech therefore should have focused more on India's strength and striking capabilities to make it clear that if the world do not support us then India will go alone to any length to finish off this monster of terrorism.

The other part of the speech was more like a child complaining to mother that how he was thrashed by the neighbors son. We invited Nawaz Sharif, we greeted him on Eid, we wished success to their cricket team,Modi attended marriage in Lahore. Sushma Ji became emotional and said look how they have treated us in return. At one point I thought that she would burst into tears. What is the point of all this ? Don't we advertise ourselves as a emerging super power? Is this the language a emerging super power should use ? We crawl and beseech and make ourselves small in the eyes of those nations sitting there. That is why nobody respects us.

It would have been far better if Sushma Ji would have made clear that we have lost our patience and if we are further pressed the world should not blame us for taking Military action against Pakistan. The world should have been put on notice. The speech should have carried a punch and a declaration of intent and action. That is how great nations react against unprovoked attacks on them.

There was no mention of Masood Azhar a known terrorist who has been protected by China from being  declared a terrorist. No mention of Hafeez Sayeed a known declared terrorist by the UN and carrying a reward on his head. On top  of it there was no mention of Pakistan by name. Why did Sushma Ji shied from naming the country which is the culprit ? The speech was hollow and lacked the substance which the present situation demanded. There was no mention of the contours of the policy to be adopted against Pakistan.

The only saving grace was mention of human rights violation in Balochistan and the declaration that Kashmir is a integral part of India. The latter already well known.

Some described the speech as statesmanship. For me it was a cry of helplessness which the world witnessed.



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