23 July 2016



Burhan Wani killing in a encounter with the security forces on 8th of July would have been a cause for celebration in any other Indian state. However in Kashmir it was absolutely the reverse. Large scale violent protests of people took place there. Massive demonstrations were held with protesters throwing stones on the security personnel's. Pitched battles were held between the public and the security forces in almost every district of Kashmir. Till date 44 civilian deaths have been reported. A large number of police personnel's were injured and a few were killed by the rampaging mob. The state is still under a curfew blanket.

It would be interesting to ask why all this protest for a terrorist who was a leading figure of the terrorist organisation Hizbul Mujahideen. This organisation is headed by Syed Sallaudin who is a guest of Pakistan and his entire outfit is being financed by the Pakistani state. Syed Sallaudin is the chairman of the United Jihad Council and claimed responsibility for the Pathankot attack. Thus it is a Jihadi organisation committed to spread Islamic domination through violence and killings. It has close ties with groups like the LeT, JeM, Taliban and Al-Queda. Together they represent a dreaded conglomeration committed to wage Jihad throughout South Asia. They prey on freedom movements like in Kashmir for achieving their goal of establishing a Caliphate. Unfortunately the Kashmiris are unaware that they are being used by these terrorist organisation. Their sons are being lured into these organisations and are being killed for indulging in terrorist activities. Kashmir real problems like unemployment,education and poverty are not the concern of these terrorist organisation. Even tourism which is the main source of income for the Kashmiris is being destroyed by these terrorists.

It is therefore quite clear that the people of the valley are being harmed by these terrorists and not by the Indian state. The people of Kashmir are on a wrong track. Instead of eulogizing Burham Wani as a hero he should be condemned and his death should be a matter of celebration. The Kashmiris should quote his example to teach their sons that they should not travel his path towards destruction and instead lead a constructive life to bring prosperity and izzat to their families. Let it be made clear that the Indian state would severely deal with terrorists and shoot them dead in the future also.

Today the so called freedom movement is actually a Jihadi movement. Its main stress is on fighting a religious war. The killings of Pandits and there near extinction in Kashmir was a part of it. The attacks on Sufi saints and Dargahs is to eliminate the traditional Sufi Islam of Kashmir and replace it with Wahabism. What surprises is that separatist leaders like Syed Gilani and Mirwaiz Farooq have become key players of this Jihadi syndicate. Recently the Mirwaiz called for Ahmadi's to be declared non-muslims during the Friday khutba. Then is this a freedom movement or a conspiracy to establish a radical Islamic State ?

There is a interesting fact about these so called freedom fighters. There own sons are comfortably settled. Not even one of them has taken to the gun or participated in any protest. It is the sons of other Kashmiri families which they lure and push into violent activities. Salauddin Shah oldest son, Shakeel Yousuf, works as a medical assistant at Srinagar's Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, second son Javed Yousuf works in the Education Department as computer operator, while Shahid Yousuf is a Research Fellow at the Sher-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science and Technology. Shah's fourth son, Wahid Yusuf, studies in Sri Maharaja Hari Singh Government Medical College. Mueed Yusuf, the youngest of Shah's sons, is pursuing a higher education degree (M.Tech.). Syed Geelani both sons are safely settled, one in South Delhi and the other in Rawalpindi. Mirwaiz Farooq is married to a fashionable woman who does not even touch naqab.

The entire freedom movement of Kashmir is a big money spinning racket with crores of rupees flowing into the pockets of these so called leaders from Pakistan. Kashmir is part of India both legally and morally and nothing can reverse its final accession to India in 1947. POK on the other hand has been illegally occupied by Pakistan by sending a Jihadi force in 1948. The facts are there to be seen and is part of Kashmir history. Even the referendum has become redundant since the UN resolution clearly states that the entire POK illegally occupied should be first returned to India. This is not possible since Pakistan has already ceded a part of it to China(Gilgit-Baltistan).

So what is the struggle about ? History cannot be reversed and borders cannot be altered. It is only a fantasy which is being played upon the minds of the gullible ordinary Kashmiris.

Not withstanding the above it is the responsibility of the Central Government to reduce tensions in Kashmir and to ensure that the separatists do not succeed in inflaming passion in the valley. Unfortunately the Modi Government is adding fuel to the fire. Across the country a anti Muslim enviourment is being generated by the Sangh Parivar. Issues like cow protection,love jihad,Ram Mandir and various other venomous statements are being issued even by Ministers in the Government. I was shocked to hear Yogi Adityanath( A BJP MP) saying that even dead Muslim women should be raped. The PM of this country has maintained a complete silence and not even once condemned these gruesome statements. This has greatly disturbed the Muslim population of Kashmir which has felt terribly alienated leading to these furious protests. It is time that Modi who is a hardened RSS pracharak realises that he is now head of a family of 1.25 crores people of different faiths. Unless he makes a immediate attempt to come out of his outdated RSS ideology the situation would not only deteriorate but may even spread to other parts of the country.

In the end I would like to congratulate our security forces who are bravely facing these terrorists and confronting these violent protesters who are chasing a mirage. Let it be clear that likes of Wani have to be killed for the safety of Kashmiri people. They are monsters who snatch away innocent lives.

The Kashmiris should be vocal in their denunciation of these bigoted terrorists who want to take away their beautiful valley and convert it into a horrible bigoted Islamic state.


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