2 July 2013




Dear Mr. Chetan Bhagat,


At the outset I must confess that as a ordinary citizen of this country engaged in daily toil for livelihood, I have missed the luxury of enjoying your books. Neither I had the time nor the money to purchase your books. However I take it that you are a fiction writer. To my mind a writer reflects the realities and problems prevalent in the society in his writings in a truthful manner. When a writer starts aligning itself with the ideology of a political party the solutions offered by him becomes adulterated and  controversial. He becomes a spokesperson of that particular ideology and therefore looked down with suspicion and  mistrust. I am afraid that the issues which you have raised in your letter is entirely political in nature reflecting your closeness to the Sangh Parivar. I will tell you why and also try to expose the many untruthful assumptions you have made.

 1.You are well aware that India is a country of many languages,caste,creed and religion. Each of these components join together to make our great nation. Imagine a car which has many components. Some of these components are sturdy some fragile. Some big and others small. Can the car become worthwhile if its individual components are not fit. The components come first and then the car. Similarly it is India. Each community,region, language etc are components. We have to look at each components and see whether they need any help and support from the state. We have to ensure that they all travel towards prosperity,education and jobs and don't lag behind. As a  member of a minority community  it becomes difficult for me to compete in a surrounding where opportunities are limited. So I do need reservations in jobs,concessions in higher education and special attention from the state. What is wrong with it? India will prosper if its various components prosper.

So you see that your contention that uplifting India comes first is not true. It is the other way round. This is a country where a large chunk of its population are muslims.If they feel that they are neglected,threatened and discriminated the nation can never prosper. Infact no nation in the world has prospered where there are internal strife and disaffection among its communities.

  But you have cunningly tried to reject this truth by resorting to a false sense of patriotism  that India comes first. India will only shine if its minorities and backward communities shine. Not the other way round.

Your  above  argument is also in line with the Sangh Parivar  who are against helping Muslims. So please don't try to take away from us what is our right. The right to a dignified life, which only secular parties can give to us.

2.I was also quite amused to see your sarcastic comment  on the issue of  Muslim cap. As a writer I thought you possessed a sensitive mind. A mind of a writer who is aware of human emotions and takes care not to hurt  anybody. But then I forget that you are a crude representive of  a hate ideologue. It is not good of you to make fun of a incidence which had hurt the feelings of millions of Indian Muslims . It was Modi the darling of the Sangh Parivar who disrespectfully refused to wear the Muslim cap which  was offered to him with such love and respect. A million words cannot describe the contempt the Sangh Parivar holds for the Muslims than this one action. At the same function Modi proudly allowed the Sants and Sadhus to apply tika on his forehead and to adorn  saffron shawls on his shoulders.

Dignity and respect comes first for us. We are a proud community and would never surrender to humiliation and indignity. Mr Bhagat if you think that development and progress of our community is going to come from the Sangh Parivar, than sorry you are entirely wrong.

However your sarcastic comments again reveals your proximity to the Sangh Pariwar.

 3.Now to the point of Muslim achievers and your comment on cap wearing politicians. Obviously you refer to non BJP and secular parties. We are proud of these achievers .We are modern in outlook ,educated and not bigoted. We therefore expect that India is ruled by such a enlightened political party and not by bigots. The Babri Masjid was demolished by the Sangh Parivar and celebrations were made. In Gujrat 2000 people were massacred just because they were muslims.Do you really think we have forgotten these communal incidents. The Chief Minister Mr.Modi as head of the state not even thought it necessary to offer a apology. The scheme for scholarships to Muslims have been effectively barred by the BJP. The BJP even refused to build up the various Muslim properties destroyed during the riots. In Madhya Pradesh the BJP introduced Surya Namaskar in schools instead of a better educational curriculum. Now Murli Manohar Joshi is asking for FDI in astrology ! If you think that such a party can provide progress to the nation then you are misleading the nation. On the other hand the cap wearing politicians have implemented progressive welfare schemes for the poor and constantly endeveoured to uplift the status of Muslims. There are drawbacks but these are listened to by sympathetic ears.

Your clever effort to promote the BJP/RSS in the garb of development has not fooled the Muslims. The Sangh Parivar is far more interested in implementing their communal agenda.

4. Now the question of voting in a herd. I don't understand what you mean by this. If Muslims do not vote for the BJP it is because of valid reasons which have been described above. It is not a sign of backwardness but a rejection of the backward ideology of the Sangh Parivar. They are voting on a very important issue. To ensure that India remains truly a secular democratic republic. You should also remember that the Indian Muslims rejected the 2 nation theory and are therefore the most loyal and patriotic citizens of this country. To insinuate that they are voting of religious ground is insulting. As far as corruption is concerned BJP is far ahead. It even corrupts minds.

So please do not teach us the ills of corruption through the medium of Islam. We know Islam better than you. Islam also teaches us brotherhood ,peace and love.First imbibe these principles in your ideology before lecturing us on corruption.

Many steps have been taken like Lokayukt,RTI and changes in law and reconstruction of institutions to uproot this evil. Prosecutions have been initiated against powerful people. People are aware of these. It is a long drawn war and the present Govt is not shying from it.

The BJP 2014 campaign is centered around corruption to hide its own diabolical objectives from the people. Your support clearly shows that you are part of this campaign and have political objectives rather than good for the Muslims.

5. Your last paragraph is rather interesting. You talk about fundamentalist among the Muslims but conveniently forget the fundamentalist organisation like the VHP,Bajrang Dal, RSS,Shiv Sena,BJP and host of others. If there are fundamentalist among the Muslims today it is because of the actions of these Hindu fundamentalists. What misery and agony have they not perpetuated on the Muslim community leave aside the Christians.? From Babri masjid to Godhra is a long story which would cover many pages. It is not possible to mention all of them here. The Muslim youth is angry and some of them have taken the wrong path of terrorism also. I strongly condemn resorting to violence to take revenge for the barbarities inflicted on the Muslim community. And I am echoing the voice of all Indian Muslims who are peaceful. But Mr Bhagat you claim to represent the youth of this country. How is that you speak the language of these Hindu fundamentalist and have never condemned their actions. Infact your enthusiastic support for BJP and its most perverted leader Modi makes even the devil ashamed.

So please do not give us sermons on fundamentalism. Today the Indian Muslims are model of liberalism and secularism .They represent a Ganga Jamuna Tehzeeb which the entire world appreciates. Even Pakistani leaders wish to follow this model. But you cannot clap with one hand.


In the end I would only state that the intellectual power and the supreme art of writing which you possess is a gift from God to you. Utilise them for some noble purpose to serve humanity in the true sense. Dont waste them to promote communal ideologies .You have miserably failed to understand the Indian Muslims and their fears and problems. Keep your dirty hands away from us.


AK BUNDI ( On behalf of Muslim youth in response to Chetan Bhagat letter published in TOI dated 30.6.13 )



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