14 May 2011


14-05-2011 The defeat of the CPM in West Bengal after 34 years was truly as Mamta Banerjee described a  2nd independence. It will certainly bring in fresh air to the stale atmosphere of the state which suffocated its progress. New and progressive ideas to develop the state would emerge and outdated and dead ideology perpetuated by CPM could be thrown out.
It is very important at this stage to clearly identify the steps to be taken in governance by the new govt to remove the accumulated garbage. It would be wise to first study the drawbacks of the CPM governance. In my view the CPM thoughts and beliefs are basically governed by a false notion that their policies and actions are to favour the poor. The actual fact is that their actions never benefited the poor and backward classses.It made them more poorer. By blocking investment in Industry their ideology may have gained but on the ground it deprived people of employment. Similarly by raising trade unions and through them putting impossible demands to the Govt and going on long strikes they were responsible for crores of losses. By giving call for strikes and shutting  profitable units they deprived people of their legitimate earnings.
They were also responsible for  sowing a militant type of temperament in their cadres which bullied and abused the management. This ultimately had a detrimental effect in the running of the organisations and led to losses and closures
Even in the national field their conduct was shameful. Without any cohesive reason they blocked the Nuclear Treaty and withdrew support from the present Govt.What else proof is required for their degraded and depraved mentality.
Infact the CPM cannot contribute anything at this stage to the development of the people or the nation. They have to reincarnate themselves to be of any relevance.
Now coming to Mamta Banerjee it is clear she would have to reverse a lot of wrong policies. Among these is first to let flourish new ideas and solutions to various problems by engaging the buerocracy,NGO’s,and varied sections of society in discussions with a open mind as opposed to dictatorial mindset of the CPM.Certainly solutions for crucial problem will emerge.
It would be also necessary to counter act any volatile and destructive action by the wounded CPM. Any action by them to create mischief should be put down with a iron hand
Industrialist from India and rich nations should be invited to invest in the state. West Bengal has large resources which can be utilised to generate wealth and employment.
Agriculture is a priority. Farmers should be supplied with inputs and helped to procure modern agriculture equipments.
There are many possibilities and the task ahead is not easy for the new Govt. But surely this is the right Govt which is not chained to a rusty ideology.


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