10 October 2011



I read with interest the article 'A shot in the dark' by Ashok Malik published on 10/10/11 in your esteemed newspaper 'The Hindustan Times'. Infact I was quite surprised that a newspaper whose name is associated with Gandhi and the Birlas should be giving so much space to a writer who is obviously been commissioned by the Modi mafia (or he is a part of  it ) to spin a web of untruths,halftruths to cover the misdeeds of Mr Modi.Obviously a attempt by a journalist in this direction has chances of succeeding far more than a rhetoric by a BJP/RSS member.
Having said this let us now examine the highlights presented in the article by the learned author.
1.Mr Malik is very sure that Bhatt was not present in the meeting called by the CM Modi on 27.2.02 where Modi allegedly instructed the Police Officers present to allow "The Hindus extremist to go slow on the killings of Muslims". The other thing he is sure that Modi never uttered these words. For both of these contentions he heavily relies on the statement of Chief of Police of Gujrat who is directly working under the CM  who  controls his confidential reports which can spoil his career if a adverse remark is entered. It is amazing how the author has conveniently forgotten that no senior officer ever commits the act of charging his boss for criminal activity which will surely result in severe retribution ( Here Bhatt is a exception ).Infact toeing his line specially in adverse times would result in rich dividends. Thus believing the Chief of Police over Bhatt  reveals a lot about the motive of the author. And foremost the events which unfolded subsequently goes a lot to back Mr Bhatt contention.For 3 days the massacre of muslims continued with the police standing like mute spectators. The other thing which requires consideration is the fact that something extremely evil must have shaken the conscious of Mr Bhatt which gave him the strength to reveal the truth ,knowing well that his action can ruin his family and his very life. For mere political reasons no sane person would risk his life specially before the all powerful dictator Modi. Today we see that Mr Bhatt is in jail,humilated before his juniors and his house raided twice as if he is a dangerous criminal.
2. Now let us come to the episode of constable Panth. Let us not forget that originally Panth and the driver of Mr Bhatt testified the accuracy of his presence in the meeting of 27.2.02.Susequently Panth has retracted his statement and has charged Bhatt with forcefully obtaining his signatures on the affidavit. Here it is important to consider whether it is possible to forcefully obtain signature of a person like Mr Panth who must have gone through many ups and downs in his long career of 25 yrs and is a experienced and old hand. For a moment it would have been considered feasible if a younger or a new recruit was involved. Secondly Mr Panth has changed his statement earlier stating loss of memory. Further it is pertinent to note that the  other witness to Bhatt presence in the meeting ( the driver ) has not changed his statement. All these reasons strongly points towards the fact that Pant has been tutored and threatened by powerful forces. Let us not forget these charges if proved to be correct will spell the end of Modi.

3.It is quite amusing to note that the author mentions NHRC strictures on Bhatt but conveniently forgets the severe strictures passed on Modi for misgovernance during 2002 riots,destroying of evidence and filing of fake FIR's. Infact NHRC stops short of declaring Modi complicity in the riots.A police officer on ground duty have to face many allegations by criminal elements against whom actions are being taken. But this is not the case with Modi. His misdeeds are corrabated by 2000 innocents murders.For the record the penalty of Rs one lakh imposed by NHRC in the Bhatt case has been recovered from him after several years now in a fit  of revenge by the Modi Goverment. But the justice to the unfortunate victims of the 2002 pogrom still eludes.
4.The distorted arguments cunningly weaved by Mr Ashok Malik to make a case against Mr Bhatt where none exist is finally exposed when he alleges that Mr Bhatt conspired with the congress to boost his career. The  right thing for Bhatt would have been to keep quiet on the events during the riots and after it and surely today he would have been the DIG of the state. Today everybody knows the extent of rewards distributed by Modi in the form of out of turn promotions to Police officers loyal to him and those who have helped in keeping things under wrap. Today all the IPS Officers of 1988 batch sans Mr Bhatt are DIG. Such is the punishment for a brave Officer who has risked everything for the sake of justice.
5. Interestingly the BJP whenever it comes to 2002 riots tries to defend itself by referring to the development in the state,whereas there is no connection between the two. No sane person will ever agree to the view that the development ( which itself is debatable ) in Gujrat washes away the crimes committed against humanity. Even the USA has barred visa to Modi on this account. The other argument which BJP/RSS advances is that the people who are raising issues against Modi, underscores the Godhra killings. In a way they are actually describing the mass killing of muslims as a act of retaliation. But they forget that the sequence of events clearly leads to the conclusion that the constitutionally elected state Goverment actively connived to kill its own citizens instead of their duty to protect them. Therefore it is most important to bring to justice such state officials so that the experiment carried out by them in Gujrat is not repeated. Here the question is to firmly establish the constitution of India and its secular provision as supreme.
6. It is rather futile to react to other extraneous and irrelevant issues quoted in the article since they are based on the false premises that those who are supporting Modi and maligning Mr Bhat are angels of truth.
In the end I would only request those like Mr Malik to introspect and let the truth come out instead of  jumping to defend the undefendable on every occasion when any evidence against Modi comes to the surface. Infact this only gives rise to the suspicion that there is something to hide.
Till now all the evidence against Bhatt are contrived and springs from the communal politics of BJP/RSS. At present he rides tall and can be aptly described as a courageous and brave officer who sacrified everything for the sake of truth.

A.K.BUNDI                                                                                                                  10.10.2011

2 October 2011


Gandhi was a great spiritual soul.He delved deep into the ancient Hindu culture and civilization and from it brought forth and moulded the  weapon of non-violence ideology. A weapon more powerful than the nuclear bomb. This was unleashed on the Britishers and ultimately they were defeated. However this bomb was a one time bomb for the purpose of gaining freedom from Britishers. After India gained freedom it was evident that this bomb would explode in reverse and may harm the nation. A nation moves ,acts,reacts on the basis of day to day realities.It has to confront enemies,boost the economy and indulge into covert acts for the benefit of the nation. Obviously one cannot run a nation entirely on Gandhian principles.
The first incongruity emerged when the Mahatma demanded that the Govt should immediately return 55 crores to pakistan .This at the time when India was  under attack from Pakistan in Kashmir. It was a treacherous attack supposedly by Tribals but in reality was being conducted by the Pakistani army led by its own General. Any Govt under these war circumstances would never have acceded to this demand.But the Mahatma went on a fast and such was his power that the Govt had to pay back the amount to Pakistan.
There are two things I have to point out. One that Gandhi should have retired after freedom since his purpose was served.His ideology could have guided the broad policy of the nation and served as a role model in the upliftment of the poor and the abolition of the caste system. But in 1947-1948 two Govts were running.One by Gandhi and the other by the Congress.
Secondly during the last days, Gandhi became obsessed with his non-violence ideology and completely cut off with realities around him. It seemed that he was deliberately placing unreasonable demands just to aggressively market his branded ideology. He started demanding the repatriation of the Hindus to Pakistan,where their families were butchered.Send them back he said. He wanted only cottage industries in the country and so on. I have a feeling that he wanted to be martyred and therefore was deliberately on a path of provocation.
Today I see that there is lot to learn spiritually from his thoughts and from his ideology of non-violence. He showed us a path,a enlightened path. Mixture of religion and politics is explosive.Similiarly Mahatma spiritual teachings cannot become state policy to run the country. It can be a guiding force to move the world towards Utopia.

9 June 2011




I never heard of Attia Hosain untill I had the chance to read her book’ Sunlight on a broken Column’. The book touched my soul and my mind was numbed as if hit by a stroke of lightning. The sheer force of her truthfulness,the purity of her thoughts and revealing of her inner most convictions ripped apart the veil of hypocrisy and hate which prevailed in those times of partition . It is an autobiographical novel set in the midst of Nawabs and Taluqdars of Avadh(Lucknow) in the 1930’s till the partition of the country.

 Attia Hosain was born in 1913 and grew up in a princely Taluqdar family. She studied in the leading British schools and colleges in those times in Lucknow and was the first woman to graduate in her times.She refused to leave for Pakistan , rejected partition and was steadfast in her loyalty to the country where she was born and her ancestors lived. I am giving below some of her thoughts and beliefs picked from her book as well as from a interview which she gave. The modern generation should know and perhaps appreciate keeping in view that these were expressed when others were bent upon spreading hatred and divide.

  1. There were people all around including her cousins in the Muslim household of her Mansion in Lucnow who constantly expounded the theory that Hindu and Muslims are different nations and both can never live together. She questioned them boldly and asked is it not true that many of her fathers friends were Hindus who would give their life for them.Her closest friend was a Hindu. For centuries both communities lived together as brothers. She stated that those who are preaching this divide and want to form Pakistan are doing so for gaining power and for accumalating wealth.
  2. Her brother taunted her that Hindus are idolators and make their Gods according to their convenience. She reciprocated by saying that is it not true that Muslims create many Gods in their mind to suit their selfish needs.God means one thing to the jihadis and other thing to the power seekers.
  3. She believed in honesty and possessed a conviction to live her life according to her beliefs. In a conservative muslim family she had the courage to revolt and marry the person she loved. Consequently she is shunned by the family and prefers to live in a small house discarding all the comforts she was accustomed to in a princely family
  4. Her many relatives argued with her that she should come to Pakistan as there is no future for them in India. She told them that they are traitors who are leaving innumerable Muslims behind for their selfish gains. Who will look after them?Abondoning their ancestoral homes and leaving behind loved ones was the worst kind of betrayal.
  5. She was of the firm belief that nations cannot be formed on the basis of religion.She argued that if that was so then the Arabs should welcome them as their own.Which  was not the case.
  6. Many in her family  said look the Hindus never even allow us near their kitchens and would never touch the food cooked by a muslim . She answered that it hardly matters since each of us has their own beliefs and both the communities have lived together respecting each other sensibilities for centuries.
  7. Beef was never cooked in their house because many of their close friends were Hindus
  8. All the festivals like Holi,Diwali, Eid were celebrated together in all the Taluqdar families.
  9.  She studied at LaMartiniere" Lucknow at that time a very British school.Many a time she went there wearing Khadi Saree with a border designed in the form of the would be national flag to express her revolt.
  10. She said in the interview ‘ I believed in a religion that never said you can kill anybody.It was never out of my mind that I was a Muslim. Today it is almost as if somebody is slapping you in the face saying you are Muslim’
  11. To a question( from a Pak journalist) that Muslims are being mistreated in India she replied that if you leave your people behind then a Indian would obviously say that you are disloyal and go back to the country you created.
  12. The people who were in the forefront in demanding Pakistan were the Muslims from U.P. Since they were in minority in U.P. they thought that in election they would be completely washed away by the majority rule and would loose  all the powers which  they enjoyed till now. It was not religion but the hunger for power and the prospect of becoming rich that was the motivation force for their demand for creation of Pakistan.Most of the Taluqdars, Landlords and buisness people opted for Pakistan.

The agony of breaking of a family which has nourished in the soil for centuries was heart rendering.All that was good was destroyed by this single episode of Partition.

For me it is unimaginable that in the period from 1930s to 1947 such a person like Attia Hosain existed void of any hatred and preaching the purity of religion and humanity. Her every thought is geared towards maintaing love,kindness and brotherhood of mankind. A truly courageous lady.

Today when I think I feel sad that there are forces in our country that consolidate and preach hatred towards Muslims. They call themselves Hindus but their true religion is to accumalate power and wealth through the medium of hatred and by inciting people to hate the Muslims. We cant get rid of them because they justify themselves by invoking the name of religion which effects the mind of the common people. But thank God that a equal number of people also exist who neutralise them . This is a game of the hound chasing the hare endlessly but never succeeding.As the younger generation is now taking over the affairs of this country,change will inevtiably come and these Sangh parivar elements would be finally defeated and  a new  shining India would emerge where religion of a person would be immaterial and merits would be the consideration.
I also believe that the decision to make Pakistan was not justified. Something went horribly wrong. Politicians and wealthy Muslims created a fear psyche in the minds of the common muslims and created Pakistan for their own selfish reasons and in the process severed centuries old ties for wealth and position.They who went to Pakistan never for a moment thought about their brother and sisters they were leaving behind. Had they remained here they would have in time received izzat and prosperity in the country of their forefathers.

Attia died in 1998. Many questions about this great lady arises in my mind. Why did she settle in London instead of India? Why the Govt of India did not offer her a constuctive position in public life? Why did she write only two books? How did the end came and where is she buried? What happened to her ancestral home in Lucknow and in the district where her forefathers were Taluqdars? Where are her close relatives and what position they are holding in India? She has a daughter Shama Habibullah who is a director/film maker. I would very much like to interact with her to know more about her mother beliefs and about the remaining family in India. Unfortunately I don’t know her contact details.
I would like that every young person should read this book so that they come to know that they were such great Muslims thinkers in this country who loved this nation and its people and wash away from their minds the prejudices which the Hindu jihadis have painted against the Muslims.
More about her can be found on harappa.com.


26 May 2011


The various events in Pakistan which unfolds with death,assisanation,elimination,jihadi killings,terrorism are chilling reminders of the things to come. Pakistan is on its way to exploding into a fiery ball of fire. There are many in Pakistan who are making their best efforts to warn of the coming doom.Through writings,editorials and on the internet a set of determined and secular minded Pakistanis are sending messages to the Establishment in Pakistan to abandon the path of self destruction. To bring a change in thinking. To subordinate the Military to the democratically elected civilian government. But it is sad that their efforts are not bringing any change of heart and mind. The mindless pursuit of hatred against India and Islam bigotry has blinded this special class of rulers in that country. Today Pakistan is considered the synonym for terrorism and Islamic bigotry. The rulers have ensured to create and nourish a enviorment in which bigotry and hatred can take roots and flourish. The killing of Salman Taseer and its celebration was the icing on the cake of bigotry. It was also the beginning of stifling the few remaining sane voices  in that country.
The word Estabishment often comes in context to Pak and it is factually correct that this very Establishment is the core of evil. Unless this core is destroyed the healing process cannot start. Stephen Cohen in his book ‘ Idea of Pakistan’ has defined the Estabishment in Pakistan as :
“An informal political system that ties together the senior ranks of the military,the civil service,key members of the judiciary, and other elites . The membership requires adherance to a common set of beliefs: that India must be countered at every turn; that nuclear weapons have endowed Pakistan with security and status; that the fight for Jammu & Kashmir is unfinished buisness from the time of partition; that large scale social reforms such as land redistribution are unacceptable; that the uneducated and illiterate masses deserve only contempt; that vociferous muslim nationalism is desirable,but true Islamism is not; and that Washington is to be despised but fully taken advantage of”
In addition to the above the pursuit of power is no doubt the belief of this oligarchy.
It is sad to see that each pillars of the Pakistani nation fall one by one before this mighty Establishment. The recent example is President Zardari. Benazir Bhutto in her last will and testament described him as courageous and honest person. It is good, that she is no more to see this man who betrayed everything she stood for. He has not only consented to the evil designs of the establishment but closed his eyes to all their doings solely to remain in power. Benazir always said that incase of her killing, Musharaf was to be held responsible. Even the UNO report blames Musharaf for this dastardly act. Now Zardari allowed this killer of Benazir to leave Pakistan and to enjoy a comfortable life in London.
Apart from this Zardari increased the tenure of Gen Kayani for further 3 years thereby confirming his allegiance to the Establishment. It should not be forgotten that Gen Kayani is a protégé of Musharaf. This action of increasing the tenure of Kayani further tightened the noose around Pak.
Zardari  should have led the people of Pakistan to liberate themselves from the clutches of the Military establishment and to establish for once and for all the supremacy of people power. Instead he chose to sit ineffectually on the seat of the President and eat Biryani from the hands of this evil Establishment.
The less we talk of Gilani and Rehman Malik is better . Rehman Malik scooted away just before Benazir was killed as if he knew that a bomb was to be exploded. The car  carrying Malik  was just behind Benazir vehicle and was not supposed to leave since it was a bullet proof standby car.Why did Rehman Malik told the driver to scoot? This is a million dollar question which gives birth to a more powerful conspiracy.The silence of Zardari on all such matters points to some unexpected conclusions.Gilani is supposed to be the PM of Pakistan but when he negotiates on state matters he takes along Gen Kayani as if he is Member of the parliament. He has not opened his mouth to condemn the utter failure of the ISI/Military to protect the Karachi Naval Airbase. Infact he has not come out with any statement on the attack.
I feel the PPP which was the hope for Pak has been overtaken by the Establishment. The intellectuals and well meaning persons in Pak are not in a position to raise  and mobilise oppostion on the ground level. Pakistan can only be saved by a miracle from a prophet who is yet to come and who would lead them on the right path. As far as India is concerned it has all the good wishes for this ill fated country and can only hope that good times will come when both neighbours sit together and eat lunch and dinner.

                           REHMAN CHACHA BETHE
                                                    BANE RAHE BIRYANI
                           MEHMAN BANKE AIYE HEIN
                                                    SHRIMAN KAYANI
                           ZARDARI JI LAGE HEIN
                                                     THALI KO CHAMKANE                
                           AUR GILANI BHAIYA
                             PAKISTAN KO DEKHENGE
                                                       PEHLE MAZE URAYAN
                             KAYANI JI SE MILKAR HUM
                                                        MAUJE – JASHN MANAYE.


14 May 2011


14-05-2011 The defeat of the CPM in West Bengal after 34 years was truly as Mamta Banerjee described a  2nd independence. It will certainly bring in fresh air to the stale atmosphere of the state which suffocated its progress. New and progressive ideas to develop the state would emerge and outdated and dead ideology perpetuated by CPM could be thrown out.
It is very important at this stage to clearly identify the steps to be taken in governance by the new govt to remove the accumulated garbage. It would be wise to first study the drawbacks of the CPM governance. In my view the CPM thoughts and beliefs are basically governed by a false notion that their policies and actions are to favour the poor. The actual fact is that their actions never benefited the poor and backward classses.It made them more poorer. By blocking investment in Industry their ideology may have gained but on the ground it deprived people of employment. Similarly by raising trade unions and through them putting impossible demands to the Govt and going on long strikes they were responsible for crores of losses. By giving call for strikes and shutting  profitable units they deprived people of their legitimate earnings.
They were also responsible for  sowing a militant type of temperament in their cadres which bullied and abused the management. This ultimately had a detrimental effect in the running of the organisations and led to losses and closures
Even in the national field their conduct was shameful. Without any cohesive reason they blocked the Nuclear Treaty and withdrew support from the present Govt.What else proof is required for their degraded and depraved mentality.
Infact the CPM cannot contribute anything at this stage to the development of the people or the nation. They have to reincarnate themselves to be of any relevance.
Now coming to Mamta Banerjee it is clear she would have to reverse a lot of wrong policies. Among these is first to let flourish new ideas and solutions to various problems by engaging the buerocracy,NGO’s,and varied sections of society in discussions with a open mind as opposed to dictatorial mindset of the CPM.Certainly solutions for crucial problem will emerge.
It would be also necessary to counter act any volatile and destructive action by the wounded CPM. Any action by them to create mischief should be put down with a iron hand
Industrialist from India and rich nations should be invited to invest in the state. West Bengal has large resources which can be utilised to generate wealth and employment.
Agriculture is a priority. Farmers should be supplied with inputs and helped to procure modern agriculture equipments.
There are many possibilities and the task ahead is not easy for the new Govt. But surely this is the right Govt which is not chained to a rusty ideology.


9 May 2011


08-05-2011 Osama Bin Laden lazily reclined on his favorite rocking chair and opened the file marked confidential in bold letters. General Pasha has just left after handing over this file containing the names of CIA operators and their location in Pakistan. He has also conveyed the greetings of General Kayani.  Pasha is the chief of the ISI and the architect of Al Queda  in Pakistan. He was the person who persuaded Osama  to come to Pakistan where he provided him a safe house in the Cantonment  area of the city of Abbotabad. It was a palatial house located in the midst of the Pakistan elite residential area. It was the last place for anyone to suspect that it was the resident of the famous Terrorist of all times. Osama opened the file and read with satisfaction its content. Tomorrow he will give instruction to his second –in –command Zawahiri to go through the names and make necessary strategy to eliminate these people. He switched on the TV and started seeing some of his recorded visuals proclaiming  jihad to eliminate the infidels. He admired himself and thought this had certainly rattled the USA when it was distributed for world wide viewing. For the last 5 years he was provided all the recording equipment from his ISI friends. For all purpose this has become his HQ . Someday he would be taking over Pakistan and its nuclear facilities and then the job would be finally completed.
His wife Amal came upstairs and gave him a glass of milk soaked with dry fruits from Afghanistan. He was lucky to get this 5th wife which was half his age and was dedicated to him.
He sipped the milk and imagined the pleasurable night which lay ahead. It was time to sleep. He switched off the lights and lay on a luxurious and comfortable bed. It was the night of 2nd of May,2011, 1.00 AM.
He was unaware that from the rooftop of a house just across the road a bright blue light had started to blink continously.
President Obama was busy playing golf when the Military attache of the White House came to him and whispered something in his ears. Obama simply nodded and then looking at his companion apologised to him with a smile. He smiled and said he has to go since Michelle was looking for him.
He entered the palatial building and walking fast entered the elevator to take him deep down to a secret room. As he entered, the elite of group of people sitting inside stood up. There was the CIA  head Panatte,Secretary of state Hillary,Head of the NSA,Joint  Chief of staff and heads of the  various security agencies. The Commander of the dreaded Navy Seals was also there. The navy seals was a highly secret and formidable force specially created for covert operations. It is said that the navy seals could destroy and eliminate any threat deep inside the enemy territory. Obama beckoned every one to take their seats and comfortably settled on a sofa, his long legs extended before him. A large blinking board displayed the word GERONIMA in red. All around the big table lay scattered laptops and communication equipments. On the wall before them there was a large lcd screen continously showing images from Kandhar through a complicated net work of satellites hung high above in space.
Obama had yesterday signed the death warrant of Osama and presently was here to witness the event. The images which was now coming on the screen showed a group of 25 commandos of the navy seal standing beside 3 helicopters. The helicopters were black hawks the most rugged multipurpose machines. For this operations they were suitably modified to fool the Pakistani radars and for flying at very low altitudes.
It was about 1AM when the leader of the navy seal received a cryptic message on his special mobile like box.It meant that the lights of the house in Attobbad has been switched off . It meant that the enemy has retired for the night. He waved his hand over his head and all the 3 helicopters were airborne together with the commandos in a flash. The night was dark and cold and it seemed from high above that the whole world was fast asleep. There was a dead silence inside the machines as it flew above, cutting the darkness of the night towards its target. Suddenly  the machines lost their height dipped downwards until one can see the lights and the ground below. They had entered Pakistan and now flying fast toward the mansion where Osama soundly slept. Pakistani defenses were unaware of the intrusion. At 1.25 AM the command was shouted for readiness and at 1.30 AM with a thud 2 helicopters landed precisely inside the compound where as the 3rd helicopter developed a snag and the commandos in it had to jump out.The house and the area was in pitch dark. Now all the commandos where outside and running towards the entrance of the house. Loaded with night vision devices they were able to see clearly in the dark. They found that the iron doors were locked. There was no time to waste. They planted the explosives and with a loud bang the walls and doors came apart. Inside a group of people  started firing at them but were not effective. All of them were killed. On the first floor a group of women and children were huddled in a corner. They were unharmed and were locked in the room from outside. The commandos started climbing the stairs to reach the 2nd floor but it seemed that the occupants had blocked the staircase with furniture. A grenade was flung and the furniture evaporated. As the  lead commando reached the door of the room on the top, a woman rushed out and was shot in the legs. She was Amal. As she lay writhing in pain the commandos entered the room and saw Osama trying to go for a AK47 nearby. He was shot on the chest and his head was blown off. As he fell down the floor turned red. The entire room was littered with books,computers , harddisk and jihadi literature. In a swift movement the body of Osama was dragged outside the room and downstairs with his head hitting each stair with a thud. The entire content of the rooms including computers and hard disks were packed in a special bag brought for the purpose.
The body of Osama as well as the entire content found in the room was dumped in one the helicopters. The 3rd damaged helicopter was blowup. The commandos were airborne and heading  towards their base in Kandhar. The entire operation took less than 40 minutes.
At white house president Obama and his team sat tensely looking at the events unfold on the large screen.Suddently in bold letters the word EKIA started flashing on the screen. There was a broad smile on the face of the President and everybody stood and applauded the accomplishment of the mission. EKIA stood for ‘enemy killed in action’. The revenge for  26/11 has been taken.
On the same day it was told that Osama body was taken on USS Carlwinson and dumped in the Arabian sea. Some would say it was buried in the sea.

21 April 2011



Mr Anna Hazare is a bold and honest person who has continously fought to expose corruption . Recently he arrived in Delhi and gave a ultimatum to the Central Govt to expedite the formulation of the anticorruption bill in consultation with the Civil society represented by his chosen men. He demanded that the draft of the bill should be finalised so that it could be placed before the Parliament in the coming June session.However what was surprising that  he started maligning Senior Ministers in the Govt starting with Sharad Pawar and then spewed his venom on the PM and Sonia. He openly praised Modi the architect of muslim pogrom in Gujrat and also praised Nitish the CM of Bihar a arch rival of the congress party.He conveniently forgot the purpose for which he was in Delhi and started acting as a leader of the opposition. Naturally all the opposition parties revelled in this. Some how Mr Anna thought that he could topple the Govt ultimately. He unwisely started to acquire unconstitutional powers,became aggressive and uncivil .It seemed that he was fighting a foreign power. He forgot that he will have to negotiate with the same constitutionally elected govt on which he his throwing stones. Thus Anna instead of encouraging a happy and harmonious atmosphere which was necessary for such a arduous exercise behaved in a irresponsible manner which is not expected of a mature leader. Inspite of his unseemly behaviour the Govt graciously accepted all his demands.
He included the father and son duo Shanti Bhushan and Prashant in his 5 member committee. Today serious facts of impropriety on behalf of Shanti Bhushan has emerged and from the allegations against this person it has become quite clear that he is not fit to be included in the committee. After all the civil society would not like that one of their representative is corrupt and dishonest. But the strange part is that Mr Anna is strongly defending his inclusion.First he pronounced that corrupt forces are airing such allegations to defeat his efforts to bring out a strong anticorruption law. Then he wrote a letter to Sonia terming this as a smear campaign and requesting her to stop this. He meant to say that the Govt in power and particularly the Congress Party is behind this. I am really surprised that how Anna has assumed that he is the sole authority to malign others.
Now Anna is saying that the Bhushans only are the  competent legal persons to formulate the draft and to discuss the same with the Govt. This argument is really ridiculous as if in this country only Bhushans are  the competent legal persons.
I would advise Anna two things. First that he should stop pointing his fingers towards others accusing them of corruption without any basis. It  is unbecoming of a leader of his stature to behave like a common urchin.After all there are so many good people also. I heard his associate Kejriwala naming all the Cabinet Ministers as corrupt and Anna silent consent was there. Secondly he should not behave as if he is the Constitutional Head of this country trying to dictate everything. He should be humble and should not become arrogant as he is till now. There is a constitutionally elected Govt in place which is cooperating and if he pushes it too far I am afraid he would be hurting himself and failing in his mission. The initiative which he has taken is praise worthy and he received lot of support from the people. He should honour this opportunity given to him and prove himself worthy of it instead of frittering his energies into wasteful channels.