13 December 2013



The much awaited election results of the Delhi assembly were out on 8.12.13. The AAP won 28 seats, the Congress 8 and the BJP 32 seats. What astonished everyone was that the newly formed AAP was able to win such a large number of seats and even the  Chief Minister Sheila Dixit was defeated by a margin of 25000 votes by Kejriwal the chief of AAP. It was clear that the Delhi voters wanted the AAP to govern Delhi and bring in the changes promised by them. Namely a corruption free governance,reduction in electricity bills,reduction in inflation,security and  decentralisation of power. In short implementation of the lofty ideals preached by them. The public in their enthusiasm no doubt overlooked the fine work done by the previous Sheila Dixit Govt in the past 15 years. Entire Delhi from east to north and south to west witnessed a tremendous development in all fields be it electricity,water,metro, parks,airport,road connectivity,overbridges and pollution free atmosphere. But this is the public verdict and should be respected. The people considered these development work as insufficient and expected that AAP would deliver much better than this. So be it. The question is that why has the AAP refused to govern Delhi and take on the responsibilities.

1. AAP declared that they would form Govt only if they secure majority in the assembly that is if they get 36 seats or more. Are they dictating terms to the  voters? What is the guarantee that they would secure majority in the next elections? They have thus betrayed the voters and have not reciprocated the faith which the voters reposed in them by not forming the Govt.

2. AAP could have formed a minority govt which would only restrict them from passing bills. Otherwise all other works like streamlining education,water,electricity,poverty alleviation programs etc could have initiated. After all this is not the first time a minority govt would have been formed. This is part of democracy and completely legitimate. This step taken by the AAP only betrays their reluctance to take on responsibility. Shirking from  their duties.

3. Congress has already declared that they are ready to give unconditional support to AAP. With their 8 seats AAP could have easily form the Govt. If there is a unconditional support why is not AAP going for it? Even the argument that they dont want to tie up with corrupt political parties do not matter here. The support is unconditional and AAP can pursue their agenda as they wish. However by not availing of this offer AAP has only shown that it not ready to govern and is only fit for opposing things and for shouting slogans of unpractical lofty ideals.

4. AAP has just refused to even consider a dialogue with other parties for formation of the Govt.Even the BJP could have been persuaded to abstain from the house during the confidence motion thereby reducing the number of present and voting. This way also the AAP could have won the confidence motion and then continue to govern.

The fact is that AAP has betrayed the people who voted them. The only reason seems to be that they were not confident enough to fulfill the promises they had assured to the public. The question is that whether such a party is dependable to rule such a sensitive city like Delhi which is the capital of India. If such is the attitude of AAP it would be better that the Congress comes to power so that they continue the good work they were doing.




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