15 July 2012



Recently a Pew research revealed that Indians are the second most hated after the Americans. This is rather surprising. I have never understood the reasons for this dislike of Indians by the Pakistanis. Infact if history is any evidence then Indians have many reasons to hate Pakistan. After all a portion of their beloved India has been taken away and that too in the name of religion. Pakistan got all what it wanted. A separate Islamic nation. They make their own laws and have their own constitution. They are now free from the fear of Hindu domination which would destroy their culture which according to them is the Arab culture. Everything is fine. Then why the hatred against India? There is also nothing worthwhile in Pakistan for India to think of attacking it. With the partition of India under the able leadership of Jinnah every thing has been precisely cut and divided. It set me thinking and following points emerged in my mind.My Pakistani friends may hammer me on these points.
1. Let us start with Jinnah. Before 1936 he was secular. Proclaiming Hindu Muslim unity. After his Muslim league was defeated he became communal. Again his 11th August 1947 speech indicates that he became secular. He appointed a Hindu as his Law Minister. The point is that Jinnah himself lacked any commitment to any ideology. His ideology was  getting power and religion was  only a tool to be used. He himself was not a committed Muslim. His dress habits,his eating  habits,his way of life did not reflect the Mullah type of personality. He even married a non-muslim. On all accounts he can be described as a secular person.

2. Jinnah demand for a nation on the basis of Islam was the greatest fraud ever committed on the gullible common Muslims. It did not stem from any revolutionary zeal for protecting the Muslims but from the selfish reason of gaining power. The prospects of power and money in a new nation was a temptation difficult to resist. He was enthusiastically supported by the greedy intentions of the feudal elements and the landlords. He also never calculated that migration of population would take place and a carnage would follow. These eventualities never entered his mind. This was because he was not a statesman and neither a thinker. The recent book 'Between the lines' by Kuldip Nayyar describes how Jinnah wailed 'What have I done' when he saw millions of people trudging to the opposite side of the borders.

3. The partition of India was thus a event which was illogical. It was like a building being built without a foundation. There was absolutely no genuine logical reasons to support it. The Islamic card was played for gaining power.

4. To hide one dishonest action one has to go through many dishonest actions to defend it. So the endless Islamic rigidity was thrust on the people of Pakistan by Bhutto to Zia to show that the declared objectives for creation of Pakistan were indeed being implemented. Though in this enthusiasm sections of muslims apart from minorities are being targetted.
5. The people of Pakistan inherently belongs to the same secular stock to which their Indian brethren come from . They have inherited the thousands of years of culture and civilization of plurality. It is in their genes. It was therefore necessary to sow the seeds of hatred against India through their educational system. Text books and Madrassas. Poor Pakistanis have been again duped by the rulers. Till they hate India the rich can do their work in accumulating wealth. The military can enjoy the privileges.

 6. The entire story of Pakistan is a story of fraud and deception. The killings,terrorism,hatred and intolerance are the symptoms of a disease. The disease is spreading and unless truth triumphs in Pakistan there is no salvation.
7.The truth is that Pakistan and India are one people. Now since Pakistan has been formed all the good luck to it. But the fraud committed 65 years back should not be allowed to flourish now. The inflated balloon of a great Islamic state should be punctured and normal mental balance should prevail in Pakistan.


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