26 January 2012


The Jaipur literature festival was organised with a view to collect distinguished writers both controversial and traditional at one place. The purpose was to discuss their works in a intellectual manner,analyse it and to bring forth its varied meaning. Though the purpose of the organisers was more or less achieved it was overshadowed by the Rushdie controversy. He will come or not? If he comes than will there be violence? Whether adequate security would be provided to him? And so on. The entire controversy over Rushdie is built upon the protest of Muslims over his book 'The Satanic Verses' which they claim contains blasphemous passages on Prophet Mohd and his relatives. The book was written some 20 years back and is banned in India. According to Rushdie the ban is for import of the book and not on its reading or its possession. When Rushdie was extended a invitation to attend the festival the Darul-Uloom-Deoband the Muslim seminary issued a statement that he should be prevented from entering India since he is guilty of hurting the sentiments of the Muslims. It is then that the war broke out. The liberals on one side demanding that freedom of speech should not be enslaved by a few fringe bigots. On the other side a bunch of Muslims were adamant that this man who has abused their religion in the name of freedom of speech cannot be allowed to come. Somebody declared a reward of one lakh to anyone who throws a shoe on Rushdie. On top of it the UP elections are scheduled next month and UP has 18% Muslims.
Sometimes I am really amazed at the show of anger and violence by Muslims if anybody comments something contrary to their beliefs. However they never think twice in calling non-Muslims Kafirs. On the other hand non-muslim religions react with much restraint when confronted with a similar situation. The novel 'Da Vinci Code' which postulates that Jesus was married to  Mary Magdelene and they had a offspring was cooly received by the Christian community the world over. No violence and no threats to the author. And now nobody even remembers it. Among the Hindus at every step there is diversity and contrary views but nobody cares. If a religion cannot ensure a healthy growth and a mature mentality to its followers it surely needs a introspection. I therefore strongly believe that Muslims should have ignored what or what not Rushdie wrote and avoided making it such a big issue and getting worked up. All this matter of issuing fatwa and offering monetary award to anyone butchering him is rather childishness and reflects insecurity. Is Islam so weak that it can be wrecked by writing of a person who is hardly a authority on anything? If the Muslims had behaved more maturely the matter would have been forgotten long ago. Rushdie should ironically thank the Muslims for making him a celebrity.
In this context we should not forget the MF Hussain episode in which the unfortunate fellow was hunted out the country for painting nude goddesses never to return. In  this case surely the fascist Hindu organisations which hardly represents the entire Hindu community were the culprits. In the Rushdie case Muslims from the world are one on the issue. There was also the  Danish cartoon case which  resulted in announcement of rewards for his killing and terrorist threats to the newspaper. Apart from this various Muslim countries have blasphemy laws which are probably made on the assumption that since Islam is a illogical religion it is vulnerable to attacks and should be protected. This is the insecurity which drives Muslims to violence.
Now we come to the freedom of speech issue which now and  then erupt with such ferocity as if it is a matter of life or death for the human species. I strongly think that being abusive to others sensitiveness is not freedom of speech. If we do not agree with someone faith or beliefs one can simply pass on without commenting or trying to assert ones superiority. There are so many things to do rather to focus our attention on  some view which may irritate someone. But there have been many instances where people knowingly highlight these very issues to gain popularity or to advertise themselves as creative. I do not think that these actions come under freedom of speech since it does not serve any useful purpose other than selfish. Had it been connected with the protection of human life or its dignity one could have supported such incongruous writings or thoughts in the name of freedom of speech. So one should definitely sift the chaff from the wheat before declaring what is freedom of speech. Not everything qualifies for freedom of speech surely. Now Rushdie could have avoided direct attack on the Prophet or could have explained his point of view in a more philosophical manner. Similarly MF Hussain could have avoided his nude paintings of Hindu goddesses and expressed his feelings and ideas in some other better artistic way. It is the insistence to express ourselves in a particular way irrespective of hurting others which can be linked to ulterior motives rather to freedom of speech. During the freedom movement Jinnah deliberately insisted on speaking of Hindu Muslim mismatch and highlighting it because he had other ideas. To gain power by breaking India on communal basis. He was misusing freedom of speech for personal gains. In any case no right is limitless and there are millions ways to express your views.
In this entire episode the Government also came into criticism. Both at the centre and in Rajasthan where the festival is being held is ruled by the Congress. It was alleged that the Government at both levels failed to take enough security steps to create a safe enviourment for Rushdie to arrive. The Govt did not actively confronted the Muslim protesters and negotiated with them for a peaceful protest. I think yes there is a truth in this contention that perhaps due to UP elections around the corner the Goverment wanted to keep the Muslims happy. After all the Congress has almost disappeared in UP. This time there is hope of its revival and allowing Rushdie to come in the face of opposition from the Muslims could have  spoiled the game. The risk was too high. So like the accused who played dumb and deaf when questioned by the Judge the Govt wriggled out of a difficult situation. After all didn't Rushdie visited India 10 times earlier with the same Govt in power. I think he will again visit after elections and that time the Govt will support him in the name of freedom of expression! And the Muslims fringe group will make some meek voices
It is also interesting to mention the reaction of the opposition party BJP on these events. It supported the presence of Rushdie though in a similar case relating to MF Hussain it kept mum since their own brethren had chased him out of the country. It meant that incase of Rushdie freedom of speech was in danger but incase of MF Hussain it was being transgressed. If one calls this as logic then everything in the universe better be upside down.
In the end I would only congratulate Rushdie for the free and premium publicity he received out of this controversy. A large heart beats underneath the vast length and breadth of this country called India .It is also expected of the people who live here to have similar large hearts and show to the world that we are different from others. Let us learn to forgive.


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