The Gopal Subramanium episode is a clear indication that the
present Goverment is interested in having a committed judiciary to facilitate
its agenda during its ruling period. The Chief Justice of India has rightly reprimanded the Goverment for
isolating Gopal Subramanium thereby casting a doubt on its functioning and
credibility. Ravi Shankar Prasad who is usually so vociferous has clamped his
mouth. A usually good strategy when there is no explanation to offer.
It has been reported that there is no adverse IB report on
the honorable lawyer which would justify his being barred to be considered for
the post of Supreme Court Judge. At least no IB report has been produced. Any other
reasons are so sketchy and utterly frivolous. Like he demanded a membership of
a swimming pool or he had a meeting with Raja defense team. The more important
thing is that the Government has not attached a report of its findings while
forwarding its adverse recommendations to the Collegiums of Judges. So nobody
knows not even the Collegiums why the Government has found Gopal Subramanium
unfit for the post. The CJ has objected to this and has also emphasised that
the final authority for selection of Judges of Supreme Court lies with the
collegium. The Government should have forwarded all the names back with its
opinion and necessary documents if it disagreed with any of the names. The final decision should have been left to the
collegium. But the Government did just the opposite. It omitted Gopal Subramanium name from the list. The
law Minister when asked to comment on this retorted that there are
precedents for this. This is not a
satisfactory answer. If there is a bad precedent then is the Government
justified in repeating it. Especially when the present Government claims to be
morally superior. It is also alleged
that the Government also spread rumours which casted doubt over the character
of the learned candidate for SC judge. Gopal Subramanium has alleged that the Government
systematically scrounged dirt to malign
him. There was a concerted attempt at character assassination. These are
serious charges The Government should disclose in clear terms the reasons for
rejecting his candidature .
The action of the Government
if viewed in a objective manner is quite strange and cast a suspicion on its
intentions. Everyone in the judicial circle have a high respect for the
competency of Gopal Subramanium. He has served the judiciary for more than 17
years and has a distinguished unblemished record. Today we need such competent
persons to take over important positions who will strengthen the independence
of judiciary. But it seems that the Government does not want this. What did the
Government see in Gopal Subramanium which made him unfit for post of SC judge? The
reason which is doing the rounds is that because as amicus curie in Soharabbdin fake
encounter case he did not the toe the BJP line. He criticised the role of Modi
and Amit Shah and sided with the view that it was a premeditated murder in
connivance with the Gujrat Government. These allegations cannot be brushed
away. It has a ring of truth about it. Infact it seems to be the only logical
explanation for the bizarre action of the Government. The Government acted out
of vengeance. The Government did not want a judge whose views were contrary to
it. So taking advantage of its power it set aside every prudent norm and
decided to hit below the belt. The sad thing is it damaged the independence of
the judiciary by its action.
Gopal Subramanium in the best traditions of judiciary has
since withdrew his candidature. He did not want to hold a post where abinitio
he has lost trust of the current Government. He did the right thing. However at
this juncture the CJ of India and other judges should become more assertive. This
is the time for the judiciary to fiercely protect the independence of the
judiciary. This is the time to convey the message that judges could not be
selected on the basis of their suitability to the Government. The CJ requested
Gopal Subramanium to withdraw the letter asking for cancelling his candidature.
But he has refused. The CJ should think of some other way out to set things
right. This is the time for the judges to come together. It would be
appropriate if the other 3 judged whose names have been cleared by the Government
also withdraw their candidature. Then reconstitute the collegium and start the
process anew. Let Gopal Subramanium apply again and the process completed under
directions of the CJ of India.