26 May 2023







The Girl from Berlin is a fast-paced and utterly enthralling novel that chronicles the years leading up to World War II through the eyes of a young ballerina, Annalise Meissne. Germany in the year 1943 was in a mess under Hitler.Continued bombing by the allies was reducing Berlin into a rubble. On the other side the extermination of the jews in the concentration camps was reaching its peak. Already 3 million jews were gassed or shot. In the midst of this destruction Annalise who performed as a ballerina came to the realization that this persecution of the jews was unjustified. Annalise was beautiful. She had long hairs and a magnetic smile. But she held a secret. She was a jew . Everybody around thought she was a Aryan German.

She married Heinrich Friedmann who was working in the security deptt of the Gestapo . After a while they both started working for the US intelligence. They passed secret information to the US intelligence

 which could help the persecuted jews .

The real story starts when she starts working as a secretary to  Ernst Kaltenbrunner the head of the dreaded Gestapo.

Kaltenbrunner was a intimidating figure. He was around seven feet tall and his dreadful face had ugly scars. His outer demeanour did not however reflect his inner nature. As a secretary to the Gestapo head Annalise has access to all the confidential documents and used to copy them and send to her US contacts.

Kaltenbrunner became obsessed with Annalise . Finally he succeeded in making her fall for him. Annalise started loving him passionately even though she was married.

In May 1945 Germany was defeated. The Nuremberg trials began and Kaltenbrunner  was sentenced to death by the international jury. In Oct 1946 he was hanged. Annalise was heart broken but would search for happiness while nursing the boy which she had from Kaltenbrunner.

There is a final twist to the story which would surprise you.

The story is based on actual events.

Do  read this absolutely fabulous book .



27 April 2023





JUSTICE OR MURDER                         26.4.23


On the night of 23rd April two mafia dons Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf were shot down by three persons while being escorted by the police for medical checkup in Prayagraj. Some say it was justified and some say it was unlawful. I don’t want to go into the politics of this . I just want to analyse the issue .If some enemies of theirs killed the dons then the matter ends. But if it was a planned murder with the connivance of the police or the state or both then it is a matter of concern. I only state below facts which came to my notice through the media and leave upon you to draw conclusions.

1. Why were they taken for a medical examination at 10.30 PM? The gates of the Naini jail where they were lodged closes at 6PM. They should have taken them in daytime.

2. They had already expressed the fear earlier that they would be killed. Keeping this in view a doctor could have been arranged to visit the jail premises for a medical checkup.

3. Why did the police van carrying them was stopped at the outer gate of the hospital and not went inside and parked. This  would have prevented them from walking and becoming target of someone lurking around to shoot them.

4. How did the killers know that Atiq  and Ashraf would be at the gates of a particular hospital at 10.30PM. How did the killers knew that media would be there so that they disguised themselves as reporters with camera and mikes. Indeed how did the media know that they would be reaching there at 10.30PM. The information was obviously leaked out.

5.The shooting lasted for 22 seconds and 14 rounds were fired without a single shot fired by the police in retaliation .Was it not the duty of the police to save the prisoners in their custody and to fire at the killers. It was posse of 17 policemen and they all stood  gaping at the killings as if they were under orders not to interfere.

6. The killers attacked with a Turkish pistol the cost of which is about 7lakhs.

Obviously these costly pistols were supplied to them by someone who wanted the job done

Decide for yourself whether it was a planned job or just a random killing .




20 April 2023



She was wearing bottle-green velvet that set off the pale green of her eyes. The dress was cut low, went in tight around her very narrow waist and stayed tight going down all the way past her knees. She featured pearls around her throat and in her ears and on her wrists. He thought, You gave her pearls for her birthday and Christmas and you wanted to give her more for the first wedding anniversary. But she betrayed. After 10 years in jail he came back to ask her why?

He stood there counting off the seconds. It was four seconds and then the door opened. It opened wide and Hilda’s mouth opened wider. Then she had her hand to her mouth and she was stepping backward.

“Hello, Hilda.” He came into the kitchen and closed the door behind him.

She took another backward step. She shook her head and spoke through the trembling fingers that pressed against her lips. “It isn’t—”

“Yes,” he said. “It is.”

Her hand fell away from her mouth. The moment was too much for her and it seemed she was going to collapse. But somehow she managed to stay on her feet. Then her eyes were shut tightly and she went on shaking her head.

“Look at me,” he said. “Take a good look.”

She opened her eyes. She looked him up and down and up again. Then, very slowly, she summoned air into her lungs and he knew she was going to let out a scream. His hands moved fast to his coat pocket and he took out the knife and said quietly, “No noise, Hilda.”

She stared at the knife. The air went out of her without sound. Her arms were limp at her sides.

From the story “Black pudding” by David Goodis

Illustration by ASHOK KUMAR


18 April 2023


 Frankly speaking I never heard of Ellie Midwood before. One day I was strolling in a pavilion in the Delhi book fair when my eyes fell on this book on display. Since it was by a author who I have never read, I decided to try it. I was absolutely stunned when I read this book. And what a book it is. I was glued to it for several days and it left a indelible impression on my mind. This is a heartbreaking, devastating, soul-wrenching narrative based on the true story of a Jewish prisoner at Auschwitz who was twice supposed to meet her death in the gas chambers and the SS soldier who saved her. Their love story is a testament to the power of hope in the darkest of times.

1942 Auschwitz concentration camp. Scores of Jewish women were deported from various parts of Germany occupied territories to be murdered in the gas chambers. Among them was Helena Citrónová. She was to die on 22nd march 1942. On the night of 21st March the SS was going to celebrate the birthday of their Commandant Franz Wunsch. Helena was ordered to sing in the function. It was there that Franz saw Helena and instantly fell in love with her. When he learnt that she was to die next day he ordered her to be shifted to the Kanada section of the camp.

The Kanada warehouses, also known as Effektenlager or simply Kanada, were storage facilities in the Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland during the Holocaust. The buildings were used to store the belongings of prisoners, mostly Jews who had been murdered in the gas chambers on arrival. Life here for the inmates was comparatively easier. They used to get decent food.

Their duties involved sorting the items. Occasionally they would find costly items and sometimes cash which they used to pocket and later on trade it with the Sonderkommandos in exchange for food and better facilities.

Franz belonged to the elite Hitler SS corps and would have been shot immediately if the fact that he was in love with a Jewish girl ever came to light. He used to visit the camp where Helena used to work as a prisoner and surreptitiously used to glance at her with eyes brimming with love. Helena understood the message but she hated him. The SS was responsible  for the death and destruction heaped on the Jewish people including her family. She shrugged his advances.

Later on in the story she contacts typhus. There was no hope for her survival. At this crucial time Franz hid her in his office and tenderly cared for her at a great risk. She survived.

Finally his unending love won. Helena fell in love with Franz.

1945 Germany. Germany was liberated and inmates of the camp were sent to resettlement  centers. Franz Dahler was sent to a detention center . Both were separated . After his release Franz searched for Helen for 2 years and finally found her and married.

This is a story based on true facts. Ellie Midwood writing skills and portrayal of events is par excellence.

Once you start the book you would not put it down till you reach the end.



14 March 2022




·         Dia Mirza as Kainaaz Akhtar
·         Mohit Raina as Vedant Rathod
 It is inspired by the true story of Shehnaz Parveen

     There are movies galore. In the movie theatres, on the television and even on the social media. But once in a while there comes a movie which zooms high into the skies and shines like a mega star .
I would certainly rate the movie ‘ Kaafir’ in this category.
Kaafir  was released in 2019. Though I see a lot of movies but I don’t know how I missed it.
Recently I saw it and was overwhelmed by its theme and message of humanity.
The movie is about Kainaaz Akhtar who strays into India from POK and  Vedant Rathore a journalist who helps her in getting back to her home. The journey back home for her is full of struggle and painful.
She is arrested by BSF and labeled as a terrorist and thrown in the jail. She undergoes 7 years of agonizing  term behind bars. She is raped in the prison and gives birth to a child. Vedant Rathore comes to her rescue. He fights numerous battles in the court to get her released. He fights with the bureaucracy , he fights with the groups who attacks her because she is a Muslim. He gives her shelter.
The movie forces you to think that whether religion  has put so much hatred in our hearts that humanity has no place in it. Should our actions towards others be determined by the religion which that person follows. But this is the tragedy of our times. Since the division of India in 1947 certain sections of our society have fueled so much hindu muslim hatred just to serve their narrow ends. Mostly for gaining  power . Both India and Pakistan governments want this hatred and division to continue. They forget that humans live in both countries. Humanity should rule our hearts and not hatred.
Coming to the movie now. Vedant and Kainaaz comes closer to each. They like each other and perhaps love each other. But they keep their feelings suppressed . They just fall short of expressing their feelings fully to each other. Their eyes and sometimes a tender hug or touch exposes the turbulence in their hearts. There is a barrier between them. She is a Pakistani and he is a Indian. She is a Muslim and he is a Hindu. We live in a system based on religion and not on humanity. God created humans but we wrapped humans  in foils of religion.

    Sometimes I think what good has religion done to us. It has provoked wars , murders and hatred. Infact everything opposite to what  religion  supposedly stands for. It has made us inhuman and bigots.
But why? The only reason for this which comes to my mind is because God never created religion. It is the humans which created religion. God resides in our heart. We fail to hear him. We follow  religion because it is more convenient to do so.

     In end I would only add  that there is so much in common between the two countries like language ,history ,cuisine, culture etc so why the hatred and mistrust
I have not revealed the end of the movie. Do  see the movie if you get time.




Let me remember . Yes it was the year 1971. I was in Vienna searching for a job. My visa was going to expire in a few days but I was not successful in getting a job. I uses to live in a paying guest apartment run by a Indian lady Vidya. The apartment was located in 3rd district – Landstrasse ,a sedate locality of Vienna . It was inhabited by middle class people who were not very well off.

But the rent was reasonable and I could afford it. The apartment was divided into four parts plus a small room. Vidya gave me this room . The cheapest I could afford.

She used to take special care of me since I was from India. She would ensure that I was well fed. And yes she was a fantastic cook. She came from India with her parents in 1945. Married and settled here. Soon afterwards her parents died and then some 5 years back her husband also expired. She became a widow. She converted her apartment into a paying guest accommodation to sustain herself.

I was not able to find a job and slowly whatever money I had just vanished. I was in a state of depression .One day Aunty Vidya was watering the plants on the balcony . I went to her and narrated my ordeal to her. She sympathically listened to me .

She told me " Ashok, life is not only hard but cruel. There are people who cannot carry the burden and collapse. But you are brave. I am sure you would succeed in life. Come with me.


She gave me some money and told me that her husband was working in a Bank in Vienna. She would talk to the Bank Chairman and see whether I could get a job there. In a few days I got a job. My visa was renewed. I stayed with Aunty Vidya for 5 years and took care of her.

Due to certain domestic compulsions I had to return to India. Due to my job experience in Vienna I got a good job in Delhi.

I would always remain indebted to Aunty Vidya for her compassion and helping me out in my most distressful times. She is no more now but she would always reside in my heart.

It is 40 years now since I met her . I have tried to paint her portrait from memory. A tribute to a great soul.





9 August 2018




 Dear Mr. Vaidya,                                                                                                              8.8.18

I read your article in the Hindustan Times dated 8.8.18. As a senior member of the RSS you have the right to come out with your version of Hindutva and criticize those who do not agree with your view point. Similarly  those who do not agree with the RSS version of how India should run have the right to put forth their views. Rigidity has no place if India has to progress and compete with other nations of the world. Let the people decide what is good for them. Unfortunately RSS is built on the foundation of rigidity and violently reacts whenever it is presented with a view other than its own. Today when RSS/BJP is ruling almost the entire country we see the disastrous results of this blind adherence to a outdated ideology completely out of tune with the modern times. Lynchings and demeaning of minorities. Support of these actions by senior political and RSS leaders. The violent calls for building Ram Mandir after demolishing the Babri Masjid. The introduction of unscientific courses in school curriculum. Introducing of spurious historical texts in school books to show Muslims in bad light.

As a common Hindu citizen I find there is poison in the air. The multi multiculturalism which we enjoyed till a few years back is slowly vanishing being replaced by hostility and hate .

Sir as a learned person you must be aware that no nation can progress under the above circumstance us. The RSS is not serving the country by resorting to revenge for some atrocities committed thousands of years back. It is also not serving the country by trying to revive corpses of ancients texts which are meaningless. It is also not serving the country by making dubious claims of rocket science, organ transplants etc as part of ancient India achievements. Infact this job of glorifying Hindus on the basis of wrong facts is the most dangerous. This injects among the people a sense of false superiority which seriously hinders their ability to absorb new ideas .

Recently the Mughal Sarai railway station name has been changed to Deen Dayal Upadhya .What was the purpose? Can anybody explain? Were not the Mughals a part of India? Did they not rule here for 1000 yrs? Facts are sacred. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We should learn from it rather than try to sweep it under the carpet. The Muslim invasion was successful because of disunited Hindu kingdoms and the lack of notion of a nation. Each Hindu kingdom was a nation in itself. Casteism was the other evil which divided the Hindus. So why blame the Muslims? We were victims of our own drawbacks. Today the RSS instead of reforming the Hindu society and removing useless rituals and caste system is working in the opposite direction. Its main job has become to put the blame on Muslims and if not on Muslims then on Christians for all the ills in the society. RSS is tearing apart society and committing the original sin which facilated the Muslim invasion.

With regard to your article I would like to offer the following additional comments :

1.You have expressed your rage against the word Hindu Pakistan. Can you please categorically deny that the primary  goal of the RSS is establishing a Hindu Rashtra. The guiding policy of the RSS is a secret document. It has never been revealed. So why not reveal it to the world. What is the hesitation? Everything will become clear. Till then by the actions and the verbal content of the RSS it is clear that the RSS goal is India for Hindus. Many times the RSS leaders have objected to the word secularism in the constitution. What is the meaning of this? India is a country of many religions and many races. Secularism binds all these various elements into one. So the objection with secularism is rather strange. Pakistan is a Muslim state. So a Hindu Rashtra is obviously  a Hindu Pakistan. What is wrong with the word?

Dragging the evangical church into this was rather unnecessary without any evidence. It only shows RSS desperate attempts to hide its ineffective antique policies by blaming other communities.

2. There are lots of half truths in your article. I don't know how you have reached the conclusion that students have been deprived of knowledge of Indian culture. This could be true during the British times. Unfortunately your organisation never participated in the freedom movement. There is no evidence of this. Infact many of your leaders pre 1947 even begged for pardon. That time RSS never raised this issue. After 1947 it was the Congress who was in power overhauled the education system. All the historical facts which comprised of Indian culture was introduced in the text books. Even those who studied in missionary schools were studying Indian culture. Ancient Indian studies were also part of the curriculum. Of course fancy imaginations about ancient India which you love was not there. The focus was on multiculturalism and brotherhood .Every religion was given equal importance and the children were taught to respect each other irrespective of religion. That was true Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, a word which the RSS often uses but never believes in. unfortunately this is rapidly vanishing under the BJP/RSS rule.

3. You have stressed a lot on pluralism, tolerance and have claimed that these are the guiding principles of the RSS. But where is the evidence on the ground. Recently a senior leader of yours have said that till people eat cow lynching's will continue. There are so many statements from RSS leaders and leaders of its affiliated organisations threatening the minorities that is difficult to mention each one of them here. In any case it is for everybody to see that on ground the RSS is quite different from what they preach. It almost seems that is a cleverly molded policy of the RSS to cover itself with a angelic cloak hiding a dagger underneath. Ask any common Hindu citizen and he would say the RSS never talks about abolishing caste system and meaningless rituals. They are only good at blaming others and pitting Hindus against other communities. This is not good for the people or the nation.

4. Hindutva has been claimed by you in the article as the way to tolerance and brotherhood. This is entirely false. Hindutva is not Hinduism. All the attributes of Hinduism such as the entire world is a big family and all paths lead to one God has never been practices by the RSS. If this was true then secularism would not be a hate word for RSS. Liberals would not be hated by the RSS. Babri Masjit would not have demolished. Muslim would not have been lynched. Mr. Modi would have refused the skull cap. Churches would not have been vandalized. Mother Teresa would not have insulted. There would have been a atmosphere of peace and love. No Sir you are practicing Hindutva and not Hinduism.

5. Now to the eminent personalities you quoted in your article to support your false identity as a liberal and secular organisation. RSS ideologue Dinanath Batra recently asked for removal of works of Rabindranath Tagore from all text books. This is the respect which RSS has for a great Indian soul who brought accolades for this nation. Regarding Pranab Mukherjee let us not forget that Mr. Pranab was part of the government that banned RSS in 1992 and he authored the Burari resolution which took strong view on RSS. Apart from this he gave a strong message to the RSS during his recent speech in Nagpur. He said

"Soul Of India Is Pluralism, Tolerance"This advise was given by him because obviously the RSS was not following it. Hope apart from quoting him in the article you would take active steps to follow his advise sincerely

In the end I would say that the majority of this country are Hindus and they are faithfully following the tenets of Hinduism. Please don't enforce upon them your variety of Hinduism which is aggressive,intolerant,divisive and violent Hindutva. The world regards India for its pluralism and tolerance. RSS is a product of partition .That does not mean it should forever stick to this mentality. Please take the nation forward towards progress and scientific development instead of being stuck in this Hindu Muslim conflict.

With regards.
